San Pedro High School Organization Representatives

Welcome Ke-Alians



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Missing Classmates


Memory Lane

Senior Recognition


Remembering 1973

San Pedro Timeline


Class of 1973

Missing Classmates

The classmates listed below have no known address where they can be reached.

If you see your name listed or if you know the location of anyone on the list, please contact the Reunion Committee members:

Florence Glenn
Charles Gonzalez
Sylvia Gonzalez
Scott Gooden
Craig Gregory
David Gustason
Leslyann Hanbey
Mary Handlon
Martha Harris
Robert Harris
Gregory Hart
Donelle Hayes
Lidia Heredia
Blanca Hererra
Guadalupe Hernandez
Chris Hooker
Charlotte Hummel
David Hunt
Robert Hunter
Carol Johnson
Deora Johnson
Mellanee Johnson
Betty Jones
Juliet Jones
Georgette Kane
Valerie Kerr-Lynch
Vincent Klakovich
Shelly Knutsen
Winnie Kordich
Carol Koughan
Viliamu Kuaea
Larry Laskey
Joanna Laverne
Puletini Leulosoo
Gordana Ljubic
Donald Lock
John Luciene
Elsa Lujan
Silvia Macias
Ruth Maddox
Luz Madera
Wendy Mannatt
Elizabeth Maher
Marilyn Marcus
Marina Mardesich
Dolores Marquez
Alberto Martinez
Gerardo Martinez
Nancy Martinez
Paula Martinez
Gilberto Martis
Angeline Mathias
Vince Matulich
James McGee
Irene Mendoza-Rodriguez
Margo Meraz-Mills
Dennis Metz
Glen Meynardie
Larry Michaels
Sue Middleton
Linda Miller
Lana Mondragon-Cramer
Maria Mondragon-Higgins
Paul Montano
Denise Moore-Richardson
Pat Moore
Cynthia Nance-McVay
Diana Naranjo
Katie Neun
Norma Nunez
Michael O'Connor
Kerry O'Donnell
Kathy O'Dorne
Antonette Palma
Orsola Palma
Jacob Parades
Sue Ann Peterson
Mary Phillips
Susan Pickett
Jose Pinel
Lupe Pinales
George Pisano
Michael Plante
Gerald Porter
Deborah Proctor
Leticia Quezada
Jennifer Rabun
Denise Radovich
Cynthia Reeff
Marisela Rivas
Robert Romero
Paul Rose
Paul Rowell
Alma Salazar-Stern
Carmen Salazar
Mary Salceda
Dario Saldana
Melinda Salvadore
Esperanza Sanchez
Dan Schneider
Janet Scott-Paterson
John Smith
Eileen Soto
George Soto
Keith Stanhill
Thomas Stearns
Carol Steele
Sarah Stewart
Cindy Stricklin-McKinney
Ronald Takasugi
Donna Talbot
Linda Tolliver
Yolanda Torres
Linda Trejo
David Tusieseina
Stephen Tutko
Francisco Valdovino
Anna Valenza
David Van de Water
John Verkleir
Michael Viglioti
Darryl Wagner
Michael Wallace
Nancy Wallace-Phillips
Robert Waller
Nikki Watterson
Craig Wegner
Debbie Wilkinson
Darrell Williams
Celeste Young
